- 4th Annual BELG- Bariatric Endoscopy Live Global 2023: Sleeve Gastrectomy for Weight Regain after ESG, September 22, 2023.
- Experts’ Forum Video Session: Abdominal Aortic Injury Following Trocar Insertion, Fourth IBC World Congress 2023, University of Oxford, U.K., September 18-20, 2023.
- Endobariatric: Didactic and Dry Lab: Live Cases :6th Saudi Arabian Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Annual Conference, Riyadh, K.S.A., February 14-16, 2023
- 3rd Annual BELG- Bariatric Endoscopy Live Global 2022: Revisional Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, September 30, 2022.
- Expert’s Forum Video Session: Abdominal Aortic Injury Following Trocar Insertion, Second IBC University of Oxford Middle East & Africa: 4th IBC Oxford World Congress, September 19-21, 2022.
- Video Session: Endoscopic Sleeve gastroplasty. Show me your best, IFSO 2022, 25th World Congress Miami, August 23 – 27, 2022.
- Conversion of ESG to a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: 2nd BELG (Bariatric Endoscopy Live Global), October 01, 2021.
- Bariatric Surgery for Adolescents Course: Johnson & Johnson, December 05, 2020.
- Dealing with the Extremes: Online Conference: Egyptian Society for Bariatric Surgery (ESBS), Nov. 28-29, 2020
- Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty in Adolescent: Bariatric Endoscopy Global Live – 2nd BESP Bariatric Endoscopy Sao Paulo, October 02-03, 2020.
- Laparoscopic Recording of Endoscopic Gastroplasty TOP 10 Videos: 24th World Congress of Int’l Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders: IFEMA Palacio Municipal, Madrid Spain, Sept 03 –07, 2019
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy after Endoscopic Gastroplasty: 24th World Congress of International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders: IFEMA Palacio Municipal, Madrid Spain, September 03 –07, 2019
- Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty in Children and Adolescents with Obesity: Outcomes during the first year: American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and The Obesity Society (TOS) annual meetings Obesity Week, Nashville Music City Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nov. 11-15, 2018
- Video Session and Clinic Short: Is it full thickness: 5th Annual Gulf Obesity Surgery Society Meeting (GOSS 2017), Conrad Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Dec 06 to 09, 2017.
- Revision endosleeve post laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: 5th Annual Gulf Obesity Surgery Society Meeting (GOSS 2017), Conrad Hotel, Dubai, UAE, Dec 06 to 09, 2017.
- Is it really Thickness: 4th International Course Madrid International Bariatric Endoscopy (MIBE), Madrid, Spain, Sept 20- 22, 2017.
- Disasters in Operating Room (Video Presentation) Dusit Thani Lake View Cairo, Egypt, Nov 22-24, 2016
- 5-year Outcomes of One stage Gastric Band: 21st World Congress of International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept 28 – Oct 01, 2016
- Long Term Outcomes of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Pt’s Older than 60 years of age: 21st World Congress of IFSO & Metabolic Disorders, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept 28 – Oct 01, 2016
- Intrathoracic gastric Herniation Post Sleeve Gastrectomy: IFSO 20th World Congress, Vienna, Aug 26 -29, 2015
- Does Sleeve Gastrectomy Hinder Growth in Children (e Poster): Obesity Week 2014: American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Massachusetts, Nov 02-07, 2014.
- Outcomes of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Prader- Willi Syndrome Children and Adolescents: American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition: San Diego Convention Center, California, USA, October 11– 14, 2014.
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Children and Adolescents: The Technique and the Standardized Peri- Operative Clinical Pathway, IFSO XIX World Congress Montreal, Canada, August 26 – 30, 2014
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Children and Adolescents: The Technique and the Standardized Peri- Operative Clinical Pathway (e Poster): IFSO EC 2014 –6th Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, European Chapter, Brussels Belgium, April 30 – May 03, 2014.
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Morbidly Obese Children below 14 years of age, SAGES 2014: Salt Lake City, Utah, April 02-05, 2014.
- Debate: Adolescent B/S, First Annual Gulf Obesity Surgery Society Meeting, Kuwait, Dec. 11-14, 2013.
- Childhood Obesity: EIP Excellence in Pediatrics, Qatar, December 04-07, 2013.
- Comorbidity Resolution in Morbidly Obese Children and Adolescents Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy – Obesity Week, American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Atlanta United States, Nov. 11-16, 2013.
- Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori and Chronic Gastritis in Morbidly Obese Pediatric and Adult Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Comparative Study, IFSO 2013 Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 – 31 August 2013.
- British Association of Pediatric Surgeons, (BAPS): Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori and Chronic Gastritis in Morbidly Obese Pediatric and Adult Patients undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Comparative Study, Roma, Italy, June 13-16, 2012.
- ECO-2012 European Congress on Obesity: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in 108 Obese Children and Adolescent Ages 5 to 21 years, Lyon France, December 03, 2012.
- 13th Annual Congress of Endosurgery in Children Surgery. Laparoscopic Excision of a Huge Portahepatis Teratoma in an Infant, Maui, Hawaii, August 13, 2012.
- 13th Annual Congress of Endosurgery in Children Surgery. Laparoscopic Assisted Sigmoid Resection for a Colonic Ectasia in a Neonate, Maui, Hawaii, August 13, 2012.
- Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Thoracoscopic Repair of TEF – First Comparative Study, St John Canada, Aug 22- 26, 2007.
- Canadian Ass. of Pedia Surgery, Thoracoscopic Insertion of Central Line, St John Canada, Aug 22 -26, 2007.
- Canadian Ass. of Pedia Surgery, Thoracoscopic Ligation of Double Aortic Arch, St John Canada, Aug 22-26,2007.
- 38th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding in Adolescent and Children: Safety and Feasibility, Edmenton, Sept. 20, 2006
- 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery in Neonate and Infants, Alberta, Sept. 06, 2005
- 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Bile Duct Injury and Non-Operative Management, Alberta, Sept. 06, 2005
- 6th Asian Pacific Endo Surgery Conference, Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy: Is it Safe?, Malaysia, Dec. 03, 2003
- EPSA Dec.8 2003: Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (video presentation)
- EPSA 2003. : Laparoscopic Pull through for imperforated anus: Video presentation
- EPSA 2003: Thoracoscopic repair of trachea-esophageal fistula with Artesia
- EPSA 2003 : Thoracoscopic repair of PDA (patent ducts arteriosus)
- 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery: Endobronchial tumors in children: 20 years’
- experience and Literature Review, Vancouver, Sep. 12, 2002.
- 34th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Lengthening Technique for Long Gap Esophageal Artesian and Early Anastomosis, Vancouver, Sept. 12, 2002
- 33rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Percutaneous Remobilization of Varicocele in Children: A Canadian experience (virtual presentation). , Calgary, Sep. 05, 2001.
- 30th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgery: 25 years ‘experience with lymphangioma in children. ,Toronto, Sep. 05, 1998.
- Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Surgeon of Canada: Investigative modalities for massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding, Montreal, Dec. 10, 1997.